Phone and computer deisgn is something most people in the United States come in contact with on a daily basis. Technology is ingrained into our idea of what is necessary to live. People without the newest and coolest phones are often looked at as behind in the times. I cannot imagine living without my laptop and blackberry. The iPhone 4 can do what my phone and laptop can do combined.
The fact that the makers over at Apple can fit so much into this small of space is amazing. Design is about continuing to improve products even when it seems that it cannot be improved anymore. I cannot imagine what they will come up with next. I wonder if any phone or computer companies will ever catch up to the success of Apple.
One of the BIG questions raised during the first week of class was: Who are the people of design? An answer that Housefield stated is that we all are. And to some agree, I have to say he is correct. The folks over at apple, however, can definitely be described as people that are designers. They have taken minimalism to a whole different level.
Also over the last decade Mac products have grown to be very popular, among families, college students and big businesses. When your products can reach a wide audience, that is when most of your respect comes as a designer. Apple has reached this and continues to bring new innovative products year after year, and sometimes every few months.
Apple's designers seem to understand the Greek root of design which is translated as "approximate, near, about". They are continue to get as close to perfection as humanly possible.
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